Convert from Gauss to Tesla and vice versa using the easy conversion tool below.
1 Gauss = .0001 Tesla, or 1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss
MT-263: Wide Bandwidth Meter
Accurate lab-quality low cost AC gaussmeter:
- Three Axis True-RMS Detection
- High Resolution (0.01 mG)
- Fast Update Rate (2.5 times per sec)
- Wide Bandwidth: 15 to 5500 Hertz
- Max Hold & Bargraph Display
- Variable Brightness Backlight
USB-RAD121 Geiger Counter
- BETA and GAMMA radiation detector
- Simple USB connection to PC
- LED & Beep for each count registered
- Make sure your home/office is SAFE from radiation
- Graph and measure for free with RadGraph
- C++ code examples – write your own software!